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Have you already given up on your New Year’s Resolution?

October 26, 2013 gabbert No Comments

Have you already given up on your New Year’s Resolution?

The idea of making personal changes excites many of us. We begin with enthusiasm and declare that “things will be different this time”. This time you really will lose twenty pounds, meet the love of your life and resolve the issues between you and your mother. However, too often we give up and are quickly back to our old patterns.

Think Carefully- Many people lose the battle before it has begun by choosing their goals poorly.

In his book One-Minute Manager, Ken Blanchard explains the SMART way to establish goals:

Be Specific – Instead of saying “I will get fit this year” say “I will lose 5 pounds within the next two months”.

Make it Measurable – Losing 5 pounds within two months is easily measurable.

Make it Attainable – Losing 5 pounds within two months is possible, 80 pounds in two months is not.

Make it Relevant – The goal must be important to you, not others.

Make it Trackable – “Getting in shape” is hard to track, but pounds lost per month can be counted and charted.

So here’s what you do:

Choose an image that represents what you want to be.

State your goal. Writing your goal will help you focus your efforts.

List your reasons. State why the goal is important to you.

Gather information you will need to reach your goal.

Create specific guideposts. What do you need to do to accomplish your goal?

Flexibility is key – you may need to adjust your strategy, timetable or even goal to be successful.

Good luck.

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