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February 9, 2015 gabbert No Comments

Does Childhood Trauma Cause Addiction?

I recently read a Huffington Post article entitled: “The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think.” The author states “the opposite of addiction is not sobriety. It is human connection.” This piqued my interest in reading the book, “Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the […]

February 2, 2015 gabbert No Comments

Are You Feeling Lucky?

So, did you hear about the Canadian man who played the lottery and missed the jackpot by seven seconds? You could say that he was very unlucky. He bought two tickets for the weekly lottery draw in 2008, but his winning numbers were printed seven seconds after the deadline. He argued that he should be […]

January 26, 2015 gabbert No Comments


Although loneliness is often a temporary condition as a consequence of a disruption in relationships, it can be felt even when surrounded by other people. People marry in order to have a life companion. But in some cases, even marriage can be a lonely experience. Among couples who divorce, 80% say that they divorced because […]

January 18, 2015 gabbert No Comments

Part II: Affairs Are Hurtful

My last article discussed gender differences regarding affairs. I referenced the Chapman University study which indicated that 34% of men and 24% of women have affairs outside of marriage and the rate is even higher for dating couples. Cheating is easy. There are even online services that market to married people with advertisements “Life is […]

January 12, 2015 gabbert No Comments

Men and Women Think of Affairs Differently

What would make you more jealous? If your partner was sexually unfaithful, or if your partner was emotionally unfaithful? According to David Frederick of Chapman University study on infidelity, men and women are different. Research subjects rated what would upset them more: their partners having sex with someone but not falling in love; or their […]

January 5, 2015 gabbert No Comments

Are You Change Resistant?

In recent months, Catholic cardinals, bishops and theologians have been discussing the future of the Catholic church and redefining their doctrine. Pope Francis has surprised many with significant changes. He is quoted as saying, “Catholicism is now a modern and reasonable religion which has undergone evolutionary changes. We must recognize that religious truth evolves and […]

December 26, 2014 gabbert No Comments

HIV/AIDS Refresher Course

You may have read in the news this week that a doctor in Cambodia caused approximately 106 people to be infected with HIV. This was an unlicensed doctor who ran a clinic without permission from the Ministry of Health. He transmitted the HIV virus to patients by using unclean needles. In October of this year, […]

December 19, 2014 gabbert No Comments

Making Amends

Actor, Stephen Collins of 7th Heaven, expressed remorse for molesting three under-aged girls. These actions occurred between 20-40 years ago and were brought to the attention of the public recently during the course of his divorce. “Forty years ago, I did something terribly wrong that I deeply regret. I have been working to atone for […]

December 15, 2014 gabbert 2 Comments

American Pastor is Charged with Crimes Against Humanity in Uganda

American Pastor and Evangelist, Scott Lively, is in the news for being charged with Crimes Against Humanity for his actions in Uganda. He calls himself the father of the anti-gay movement in Uganda. He creates hysteria within religious and political circles. Lively presents himself as an expert on LGBTQ issues around the world, encouraging persecution. […]