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Happy New Year!

December 28, 2022 gabbert No Comments

Happy New Year!

With the new year, people make resolutions in which they resolve to change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their behavior at the beginning of a calendar year. The most common resolutions are losing weight, doing more exercise, quitting smoking, and saving money. Sadly, most resolutions fail within the first few weeks of the new year. Research has shown that half of all adults make a New Year’s resolution, but fewer than 10% keep them for more than a few months. One study showed that 50% of people who make a resolution abandon it before even starting.

A habit is a behavior that has been repeated enough times to become automatic. In his book, “Atomic Habits”, James Clear walks us through the process of creating new habits. It is a must-read for self-improvement. The habits you repeat every day largely determine your health, wealth, and happiness. They are based on repetition and frequency.

How do you create a new habit? It is not sufficient to identify a goal. James Clear would say that you have to make each element of the goal concrete by breaking them into systems and processes. “Ultimately, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress.”

Whenever you want to change your behavior, ask yourself:

How can I make it obvious?

How can I make it attractive?

How can I make it easy?

How can I make it satisfying?

For example, let’s say you want to exercise regularly. What’s your process?

Step I: Make it obvious by stating your intention. After work ends at 5 pm, I will go for a 15-minute walk outdoors.

Step 2: Make it attractive.

Action: I will dress in comfortable clothes and tie my shoes.

Reward: I will listen to a podcast while I walk.

Ritual: I will lay out my walking clothes in the morning and put them next to the door for easy access.

Step 3: Make it easy.

Environment: I will walk out my door and around the block

Trigger: I will see my clothes and shoes when I come in the front door.

Step 4: Make it satisfying.

30-day reward: I will purchase a new audiobook

60-day reward: I will treat myself to a massage.

May you have a Happy New Year and a lifetime of healthy habits.

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