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Hey World, Do You Care What Happens Here?

August 22, 2021 gabbert No Comments

Hey World, Do You Care What Happens Here?

Haiti suffered another devastating earthquake on August 14, 2021. As of this writing, the death toll from the magnitude 7.2 earthquake has grown to 2,207, with 344 people still missing. They lack a coordinated effort to receive sufficient aid. They need food, water, shelter, and medical attention. One Haitian said, “It’s getting harder, harder, and harder, to have hope.”

The president of Afghanistan fled the country, and the Taliban are in charge. The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan as the United States withdrew troops. Many Afghans distrust the Taliban and fear that their rule will be violent and oppressive. BBC News published the words of an unidentified Afghan female student who said, “Hey world, do you care what happens here? Do we matter to you? Do you see us? Do you? For those who are listening, for those who care, I am writing this. I am saying this. We are suffering here, we are being left behind. Living with fear is no less than death. It is worse. If you are listening to us, help us. Help us survive.” (Longer transcript at, August 22, 2021) More than 18 million people in Afghanistan require humanitarian aid and 75% of Afghans in need are women and girls.

Hopelessness is the feeling that nothing can be done by anyone to make the situation better. Helplessness is the feeling that people have that they have no power to improve their situation or protect themselves.

Crises, emergencies, and disasters happen. Do you care? And do you care enough to act? I would like to think that most people have compassion in times of crisis. But I also believe that we struggle to act. In the case of Haiti and Afghanistan, individual Americans are at a loss for how to help. These countries are geographically distant and are undergoing governmental turmoil. During a crisis, there are more questions than answers. The magnitude of the disaster, the cause of the disaster, and the actions one can take are all uncertain. Typical responses to crisis and trauma are denial, fear, avoidance, and withdrawal.

If a community’s sense of fear, confusion, and dread grow, they will begin to feel hopeless or helpless. If that happens, members will be less motivated and less able to take actions that could help. Taking an action during a crisis can help to restore a sense of control.

We don’t want to replicate the Holocaust bystanders. Bystanders as a group are characterized as passive or indifferent. For example, bystanders did not speak out when they witnessed the persecution and murder of Jews. They did not offer shelter to Jews who needed hiding places.

So, how can you help? Find out what resources are available, what resources are not available, assess who the people are with the greatest need, and who you can partner with. There are many NGOs, Non-Governmental Organizations, that will provide action items. An NGO is a voluntary group or institution with a social mission, which operates independently from the government. NGOs or similar organizations exist in all parts of the world. For example, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is assisting displaced Afghans with emergency shelter, food, health, water, sanitation support, and cash assistance. You can make a financial donation, share your concern with others, encourage US politicians to act, and educate yourself on world events.

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