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Social Support is Critical to Losing and Maintaining Weight Loss

December 18, 2022 gabbert No Comments

Social Support is Critical to Losing and Maintaining Weight Loss

We’re gearing up for New Year’s resolutions to slim down and move more. Did you know that 45 million Americans go on a diet each year? The average adult will try 126 different diets during their life. Women give up diets after an average of five weeks, two days, and 43 minutes. It’s not personal. It is human nature to relapse. More than half of weight loss is regained within two years, and by five years more than 80% of weight loss is regained. Obesity is complex. It has a strong genetic component with many hormonal, metabolic, psychological, cultural, and behavioral factors.

It’s one thing to lose weight, and it’s another to keep it off. One of the secrets to maintaining weight loss is social support.

If you are interested in changing a habit or entrenched behavior, I highly recommend you read “Atomic Habits”, by James Clear. It is an excellent book that is loaded with strategies to change routine behaviors. I agree with him when he says, “One of the most powerful drivers of habits and behavior change is the social environment. Our social group guides our behavior. We naturally soak up the habits of those around us. No matter what habits you desire to build, the key step is to join a group where your desired behavior is the normal behavior. New habits seem achievable when you see others doing them every day. Nothing sustains motivation better than belonging to the tribe. This is why remaining part of a group after achieving a goal is crucial to maintaining your habits. It’s friendship and community that embed a new identity and help behaviors last over the long run.”

Actress Kirstie Alley struggled with fluctuations in her weight. She understood what it takes to lose weight and maintain it. “It’s like being an athlete. No athlete is going to do well without having a coach. We have to equate that to life. Without a coach helping us along the way, I don’t think someone can make it for the long haul,” she said.

In the spirit of losing weight and maintaining the gains, I am offering a support group, called GOAL-KEEPERS. It is an educational and behavioral support group.

  • You will recognize and change unproductive thinking patterns using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • You will learn addiction concepts for long-term recovery
  • You will learn emotion regulation skills and stress management
  • You will learn how to deal with failure
  • You will apply the latest information on building healthy habits
  • You will be held accountable for your goals in a supportive setting
  • And more,…

Please join me in either virtual or face-to-face meetings in my office, located in Galena.

We can do this together. Either call, email, or register on Eventbrite.

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